
MulberryMulberry masters time and time again to create luxury bags and accessories that are both functional and exude quality and magnificent craftsmanship. It is therefore not difficult to understand why many people are happy Mulberry and sees the purchase of a bag from Mulberry as a very special investment. Discover our Mulberry-bags and various accessories from Mulberry online. At Klosterfrøknerne we are authorized Mulberrydealer in Denmark and can offer a wide range of popular models.

Note: We only show a small sample of Mulberry items online, so don't hesitate to contact us by email or phone 7562 0555, if you are looking for a specific bag from Mulberry or want to buy one of the bags from the catalog which is not online. Warranty certificates are included with all bags, and of course we ship free of charge.

MulberryMulberry ALEXA Mulberry LILY Mulberry AMBERLEY. Mulberry Mulberry ANTONY Mulberry BAYSWATER Mulberry BELGRAVE.. Mulberry BILLIE. Mulberry CLIPPER Mulberry DARLEY. Mulberry FARRINGDON Mulberry IRIS. Mulberry WASH CASE Mulberry MILLIE Mulberry PIMLICO Mulberry SOFTIE

Iconic classics and new favorites from Mulberry

MulberryMulberry has enchanted young and old alike since the first Mulberrybag saw the light of day in 1971, when the company was founded by Roger Saul in Somerset. The main factory, The Rookery, was founded in 1989 and to this day remains the backbone of all production of the classic Mulberry-leather bag, and the development of new models. Best known is enough Mulberry Alexa, created in collaboration with style icon Alexa Chung, or Mulberry Bayswater is a stylish and incredibly delicious leather bag that can be used both for everyday use and for parties. Mulberry Mulberry is generally a guarantee of good design with a very special versatility that makes each one Mulberry- bag very useful.

Which Mulberrybag you should choose is largely a matter of your style preferences and the practical needs you want your new bag to fulfill Mulberry must fulfill. Find models for both men and women in the range from Mulberry, and treat yourself to a new and timeless one Mulberry- bag for the collection. We sell a wide range of classic designs as well as several newer designs from Mulberry, and we can offer Mulberry-bags in the price range from approx. 3000-13.000 kr. depending on the model.

A well-thought-out luxury bag for everyday use

Weekdays are of course the ones with the most, and why not make everyday a little more fun with a really nice everyday bag that you can take with you on the go and enjoy every single day? Suitable for both everyday and leisure are the Belgrave & Clipper models. The Billie and Millie Tote models also have the perfect size for everyday items, and regardless of your style, it is possible to find a Mulberry- bag that matches your needs.

Timeless masterpieces

As so many other brands in the fashion industry have too Mulberry had to fight for its relevance in a time that is often more about change than about constants. Mulberry Mulberry is a brand that manages to innovate – with respect for the classic design line and unrivaled leather quality that is Mulberry's trademark. The bag model Lily is a good example of this. It is forever changing – both in shape, color and material choice. If you love Lily, we think you'll also love Iris, there with her beauty Mulberry-hardware is a bag that fits most people.

Order your favorite bag online, call us at 7562 0555, or visit us in our store at Hospitalsgade 6 in Horsens, where you can feel the individual bags in your hands before you buy.

69 products

69 products